Your in bed with your baby, kissing, hugging, moaning, he about to do what you've been waiting for all day, what you've been yearning for all day, he about to show you why he calls you 'The queen of the house' He about to...... (BUZZZZZZ) Oh shit! Now he rushes off you quickly, he got a twitter alert, so you thinking HELL TO THE FUCK NO HE DIDN'T so these Twitter btiches mean more to you, than i do? So you giving him the 'Fuck you nigga i know what you doing' look & he just fixed on that phone. Does this sound like you? Have you ever been in this situation? Don't lie now.
Phones phones phones, they are so handy they give us access to different things instantly, texting, calling, pictures, music, video, internet EVERYTHING. Phones have a big effect on how we communicate nowadays. People don't even wanna socialize with each other anymore they be like 'Check your mentions or check your facebook' When is this shit going to stop seriously?
But what i wanna talk about today is how Phones effect your sex life. Niggas really will stop having sex with their girls just to answer a call, check a text, now that shit is crazy. I dare my nigga to get up to check his phone while me & him is doing what Beyonce & Jay-z done to make black ivy! I DARE HIM! Best believe i am putting my shit on, then maybe he will learn
Ladies you need to be firm on your man, make him understand you won't take shit, its either me or the phone. Challenge him even. Tell him 'whats so important on your phone anyway? lemme see who is hitting you up that you need to attend to so badly lemme see uhh' i bet you before you even finish saying your sentence about you checking his phone, his back in bed rubbing on you. Don't question him yet! Make him give you what your body wants, then when he finished pleasing you, you stop him & say 'NIGGA GIMME YOUR FUCKING PHONE'
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